Eagle Scout David Barnes .....

David Barnes is the son of Cyrus and Mary Barnes of Elizabeth and he made Eagle Scout in 1962. David and his cousin were the troop's first two Eagle Scouts. They were also the only boys to earn the coveted rank during the decade of the 1960's. The summer before he earned his Eagle Scout rank, David made a canoe trip with other members of his troop to the Region 7 High Adventure Canoe Base near Boulder Junction, Wisconsin. The picture shown below was cropped from a group photo taken on that 1961 canoe trip. The group photo is shown on this web site under the "Old Photos" section.

Though the Region 7 Canoe Base is now closed, they do have an un-official web site that is maintained by former staffers at the camp. It is on the web at www.w9fz.com/canoebase/.

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